Monday, April 02, 2007

OH! i feel happy today after being emo last night. HAHA

this is damn weird

oh i was emo when i got my science paper back. and i have no one to blame. its my fault for failing and doing so frigging badly for this paper. so yeah. no one is to be blamed but me. and bloody hell. it was a frigging bio paper. i frigging hate bio like sheeeeeeeeet siaaaaa

ok whatever. anyway, we had boring lessons today. OH! we watched Hitler: something something something (forgot the title! XD) during history. its kinda funny. when he gives his speeches. his actions are so damn funny. it was supposed to be some serious scene. but everyone was just laughing at his actions. damn.funny. and the way he talks. WTH DAMN FUNNY! HAHAHAH anyway, its a tragic movie :/

ok anyway, during recess, my om group (Lynn, Janine, Mun Ling, Lauren, Nat, Abby and I) went to see Mrs Cha. OMG DAMN COOL! GUESS WHATTTTTTTTT! WE. GOT. INTO. THE.FINALS! WAHAHA! so cool! cos like, we did everything last minute. XD like everything was done the day before. HAHAHAH oh well. anyway! we're just happy(: but the sad thing is, the competition is after sports day. no pltn outing for the three of us): well, nat and i are planning on another option(: LALALALALALA~

oooo my Coy NCOs are so sweet :D they wrote us each a letter(: man! this made qiying so jealous. HAHAH XD but it was really really nice of them to spend time writing us a letter(: wooo! i wanna be like them man! when i become an NCO, im gonna write a letter to each cadet in my coy just like the NCOs did (: you know, im kinda slow, but ive just realised that i really love my coy NCOs too! XD

ohhhhhhhh today, qiying and i went to do cip. RAWR SO BORING. anyway, it was quite uesless la. but we stayed in aircon room the whole time :D ohhhh! im also happy today! cos i bought new sch shoes! :D and a new ankle guard! HA! im not gonna wear the stupid school sock on my left foot now :D cos my ankle started hurting again :/ mmhm. ooooo! you know, my ankle like doesnt really hurt that much when i wear the ankle guard(: nike rocks. XD haha ok then! i bought something else too! i wanted that bag so badly): but didnt see it. SIGH!

ok this post is damn long. oh! check out the pltn blog man! its like, filled with confessions of us loving our NCOs(:

OH! this morning! i learnt something funny. ___ told ____ to go and die. and ____ didnt come to school for a week. HAHAHAHAHAHHAAH SO FUNNEH! ok its kinda mean, but arent we used to people telling us to go and die? HAHAHA cos it happens that i have a partner who tells me to go and die alot of times in a day ._. HAHA OH WELL

damn, i read from somewhere that ROD is nearing. ): i dont want the ncos to leave): its too soon): sigh.

ok anyway, i shant be emo here. LALALALA


lauren and i are gonna have ben and jerry's tomorrow! WOOOOOOOOO

and damn, im scared about ____! SO SCARY! :/

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