Wednesday, March 28, 2007

today, so many people made me pissed la.

in class and outside the classroom -_-

hmmmm anyway! we had drills after school. like one hour plus before it started. 1.40 to 3.30! haha. we played and laughed alot :D then i was wearing my boots, cos its so frigging new and NEW! AHHHHH! i still dont like the fact that it is new. HAHA ok anyway! the stupid thingy at the bottom of the boot came out :/ not the heel. its like under the heel. ANYWAY! the left side dropped out first. THEN! SOMEHOW the right side one dropped off too -_-|| eeeeeek! i didnt know the second one dropped off until like.. when i was taking off my boots. :/ this sucks. now my boots are like white-ish underneth. so grossssssss! everyone's is like... black. and mine stands out -_- so grosssss! hahah i even went to buy glue for it laaaa! but the thing dropped out in the end. and everyone present was laughing cos of my boots -_-|| haiyooooo! so mean. anyway, i feel that i sucked today. like my drills sucked alot. :/ anyway! i'll try my best! after marching prac, the rest left without us, -_- so, kim, nat, jo, qi and i stayed back and playyyyy :D so fun! we played and played and laughed and laughed XD qi and i laughed until our sides hurt like crap. HAHA! anyway! we wanted to sit on the blue swinggggggg): some people got it in the end. ): sigh anyway! kim left first. cos her dad came. hahah then we left at like... 6? HAHAH! qi and i started polishing our boots at like 5.45? then we left at 6. i went to nat's house to polishhhhh :D cos it was coated. i didnt polish. i coated. hahah. then we polished for like two hours! XD so fun! man our boots rock laaaaa! HAHAHAH jk jk!(: ohhhh im happy with my boots. haha! it now has the plastic effect on it! WOOOOOOOOO :D :D :D i helped nat with her right boot which was, according to her, screwed. :/ so being a nice nice pltn mate, i helped her. hahah and now it rocks!!! XD hahah jk jk! anyway, my boots are now polished(: yay! now left STARCHING! rawrrrrrrr! i dont like starching. anyway, nat couldnt stop laughing at my boots' heels! cos it was white. and somehow, she found it amusing and funny -_-|| left her house at like... 8.30? hahahhah! so fun!

anyway, today was quite a ok day. just that many people just couldnt stop pissing me off. especially this really irritating ego freak who thinks shes the best. RAWRRR! im still frigging pissed at her.

today, we had two periods of english. history. chinese. math and geog. math was FREAKY! cos we commented on tee man's shirt. cos he always wear blue. then today suddenly wear brownish gold. :/ then while teaching halfway, he suddenly started laughing. SO FREAKY LAAAA! hahah anyway it was funny. chinese was uhh weird. geog was plain irritating. HAHA teo tried acting as a mine. you know, someone who wont talk, and only do actions. wah laooooo! so stupid la! waste time. anyway, for english today, i found it productive for my group :D we're gonna get higher than 36!!!!!! XP having our first meeting on saturday! :D and everyone can make it! (: yay! anyway! we have some plans liaoo(: we're gonna rock! WOOOOOO! :D

anyway, im bored. and tired. LALALALALALA i havent sewn on my rank yet. mom bringing to beach road tomorrow. and im finally getting more pe shirts!

ok i have nothing to say anymore.

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