Friday, March 30, 2007

oooooo guess what! it's 10.30pm. and joanna and i just got home. HAHAH! we went to macs, to eat and talk. we ate for like... dunno how long. and talked for like... dont know how long either. HAHA anyway, my mom called me at like... 8.30 and scolded me. and i was like "ya im coming home sooooon" then i smsed yabing "yeah we're going home SOON" HAHAHA take note of my soons XD hmmm we talked about so many weird and random things. and we found out something freaky today. DOOMDOOMDOOMDDDDDDDDDOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM HAHAHAH oh and im not telling you XP but platoon mates! omg must tell you guys la.

ohhhhhh! parade today was interesting. we learnt arms drills! so cool. and i was so slow at learning la. qi, nat, jo and i were one group. then, 1SG Angela and 1SG May Ee taught us. i was so slow at learning, that 1SG May Ee had to teach me individually laaaaaa. damn. oh i have slow reaction too. which sucked. anyway! i really wanna thank 1SG for like teaching me with so much patience. (: oh, then somehow, min's sis came up to us. and went hi cos she could remember me O.o mm yeahhh... need to work on my armsdrills more :/ hmmm, then we had affirmation ceremony after learning armsdrills. i still think that my boots and my uni sucks. BUT! for once, my boots didnt crack :D yay i was happy :D but i was sad cos my boots sucked :/ needs to be water. and it was just... i dont know. reflective? haha i dont know how to describe them :D anyway, it sucks. x(

hmmm no offence. but the affirmation video is like ... the music will suddenly cut halfway. HAHA then go on to the next aspect. damn funny. anyway, after that, we had drills. except this time, the NCOs weren't there. and the CPLs were commanding and everything. i realised something today. and my conclusion is the same as my platoon mates'. HAHA ok then parade ended :/ kim, xin, hazel, jo, qi, nat, adelia, chloe and i stayed back and playyyyy XD so fun! we ran on the track. and played there. so fun! laughed like crazy people too. HMMM we tried holding in pumping, then one by one crawl trough each other's hole thingy. then ah! this qiying ah! back so sharp. damn pain when we crawled under me. -_- then i just died laughing. and then i fell. HAHA and she was doing the baby crawl laaaaaa! long legs and a long body. RAWR! hahahah oh well(: ohhhh! today we repaid 200!(: the Part As and us were like having competition la! i got blur after timing for awhile. i am blur anyway. haha and i have slow reaction too. aw man this sucks.

anyway! lessons were so useless today. #@^*!& i wish i had just ponned school. so boring la! CHINESE READING CRAP FOR FREAKING TWO LESSONS. oh i slept for 15mins. HAHA hmmmm then was lit. it was unproductive la! then science. wth even worse. then was ce/om which mrs de took over cos mrs fern took over her lesson the other time. mm yeah. which was ALSO unproductive. today, all the lessons sucked.

ok im bored blogging. i shall stop now XD

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