Saturday, April 07, 2007

you know, i keep forgetting the fact that i have to wake up shit early tomorrow. -_-

anyway, today, joanna and i went to the OCC gym and went swimming. hahhaha we like spent very little time on everything XD oh i just realised that we spent 45mins swimming and at the suana, and not 15mins. HAHAH oh well! XD we got bored very easily. then we went to try many many many different things at the gym. i didnt jog or run): cos if i do that, my ankle will hurt like sheeeeeeeeet. so i brisk walked. then my ankle started hurting! RAWRRRRRR! bloody ankle. no time to go for an x-ray. AHHHHHHHHH! that time when i fell, my ligament(sp?) almost tore -_- and i dont think it healed properly. man! this sucks. my tutor told me that i can actually go for an operation to "repair" my ligament(sp?) NO WAY MANS! im damn scared of these kinda things. later i come out of the operating room, my left foot gone sia! cos i dont know why! BUT! its so frigging scary. later i dont come out alive ah! hahah i'd rather die in my bed peacefully then in the operating room or the road, or anywhere that isnt my nice nice bed. HAHAHAH

hmmmmm today, i woke up at 9. had tuition till 11.30. went back to sleep at 12. woke up at 12.50+? cos joanna called me. HAHA or was it 1+? anyway! then i went back to sleep. then i woke up at 3. HAHAH SHOCKED! cos i was supposed to meet jo at 3! hahhaha oh well. we met at 3.30 instead :D

wooooooo! i like sleeeeep(:

this week, ive been falling asleep in class alot of times. i wonder why. :/ my throat infection is frigging back. wth. my throat hurts. -_- ok i should start eating that medicine. :/ eeek! so gross!

wooooooooo! nat and i planned pltn outing! it'll be damn cool :D but it'll be in the night due to om! ahhhh! and right, if we dont get into the finals (cos theres another group going for the finals too and theyre doing the same problem. and we're going back to sch tomorrow to get the results :/) i dont know the plan if we dont get into the finals. hahah

anyway, i was going to talk about something. but i forgot -_-

OH! im wondering if i should get an iPod vid 30GB or iPod nano 8GB :/ or get a creative one :/ since they dont wanna buy for me. im still saving up to buy. hahah maybe a few more months! ahhhhh!

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