Thursday, April 05, 2007

ooooooo look at the time mans! hahahha


i cant sleep.
om structure is frigging due tomorrow.
janine, munling and nat are like finishing the rest. and like that stupid mrs neoh just told us today that we had to make a frigging structure for her due tomorrow. wtf is wrong with her man. think we so free meh. anyway, getting to om finals, agreeing to it equals commitment. uh huh! haha so i shall be an optimist? XD

anyway my mom picked me up from nat's house at 11+. :/ came home, signed my forms and blah. bathed. and now im here.

damn im too tired to blog. HA ok im going to sleep now. i think :/ if i can sleep

i am going to sleep for 12 full hours straight without being woken up by anyone on friday. either that, or im just gonna sleep the whole day. then wake up, study chinese. sleep. HAHA good idea.

ok my life sucks. i failed lit -_- damn. im gonna work hard on lit and other subjects la. !@#$%^&*()_+ bye june hols. its gonna be a serious time during june hols. study study play study study study. wtf im gonna be a nerd. OH WELL XD im so not taking bio. and its not even in my options. XP its so frigging disgusting and %#^!&%^$(

ok im tired. very tired. we almost fell asleep waiting for the wood to dry -_- and that was like at 8+ then we went SWIMMING :D

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