Sunday, April 08, 2007


1. Do u know where ur brother is right now?
uhh in the study room playing his dumb games

2. Last time u hugged someone?
i think the last person i hugged was Min Wei! :D on... thurs?

3. What is something you've learned abt yourself recently?
uhh that i actually really really want to go for the OM Nationals. :D

4. What color is ur watch?
blue. HAHA but its like.. kinda faded -_- useless watch la

5. Do you like anyone?
no, no, i hate everyone. OF COURSE I LIKE ANYONE LA! depends on who. haha

6. Are u close to ur mom?
ew you crazy is it

7. Where do u work?
hmm let me try and recall. at first i worked at MacDonald's then i got fired for slacking. then i went to KFC. but got fired cos of the same reason. then i went to BugerKing and also got fired. wah lao! fine then i tried my last job at MosBurger. and also got fired. man! the bosses all hate me like shit man! i even got banned from all these places -_-

8. What are you listening to right now?
你....我是傻瓜! GOONG :D :D :D

9.What do you taste like?
uhh -_- you think that im actually crazy enough to TASTE OR LICK myself?! EWWWWW

10. What color are your pants?
im not wearing pants. im wearing shorts. HAHAHAH

11. Closest thing(s) to your left?
my phone, my no. 3 name tag and badges, my home phone and a cup of Ice Lemon Tea :D

12. What color is your bedroom flooring?
uhh its wood. so its BROWN!(:

13. Do you have a chair in your room?
uh yeah -_- duhhh

14. Time you were born?
7+ am! hahah

15. Do you know anyone who is engaged?

16. What's your favorite number?
dunno. hahhahaha XP not telling youuuuuuu :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

17. Do you know someone named Lori?
wth?! have such a name one meh

18. What color is your mom's hair?
who cares

19. Do you have a dog?
no): mine passed on when i was 4

20. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid?
huh i dont know. i had a deprived childhood cos of those shitz

21. When was the last time you went swimming?
uhh friday! :D

22. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings?
give me a reason why i should actually talk to them

23. Did u ever go to a camp as a child?
omg yeahhh! i cried cos i missed home. what the hell was i thinking man.

24. Do you play an instrument?
uhh no. i dont play any

25. Do you like fire?
omg yesssssss! :D its so preeeeettttyyyyy :D

26. Are u allergic to anything?
haha yeah i am. but im not telling you. later you purposely use that medication to harm me):

27. When was the last time u cried?
-_- why do thses kinda quizes always ask these kinda stupid questions?!

29. Have u ever been to a spa?
YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D KOREAAAAAAAAAAAAA man! i wanna go back to korea! :D

30. Did u take science all four years of high school?
high school? wah lao! i get confused with these kinda things :D

31. Do u like butterflies?

33. What is one thing u miss about ur past?
my past?!?!?!?! uhh dunno la. haha no tests! no stress. WHOA SHOIK AH!

34. Have u ever seen the school counsellor?
uhh alot of people told me to go see her. but i refused XP

35. Have u ever wanted to be a teacher?

36. What is one thing u've learned abt life?
life is not a bed of roses. we all have our ups and downs.

37. Are u jealous of anyone?
huh why should i. oh wait. i am. im jealous of people who actually have a happy family

38. Is anyone jealous of u?
O.o how will i know! hahahahhahahaha

39.Ever been stuck in an elevator?
huh uhhh no. i dont think so

40. What does ur mom call u?

41. What does ur siblings call u?

42. What does u hair look like right now?
poofy! hahahahhah

43. Has a friend ever used u?
uh yeah duh

44. Has anyone recently told u that they like u?
i dont remember. hahahahah i forget things too easily(:

45. What did u just drank just now?
Ice Lemon Tea

46. Is ur hair naturally curly or straight?
very straight -_-

47. What is ur favorite movie?
uhh like alotttttttttt :D but i really still love Death Note :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

48. Who was the last person u drove with?
who cares. ahhahahahahha i dont drive XP

49. What are u looking forward to?
FRIDAY!!!! :D yay!

50. How are u today?
?! what kinda question is that. HAHAHHA

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