Friday, March 23, 2007

The NCOs came up with a buddy system for us(:

anyway! today in the canteen, something funny happened. like before assembly started and all. i was in the q, then so many primary school girls! XD I FELT TALL!!!! XD ok qiying called me mean. HAHAHAHHA XD but its so true la! i was taller than them when i was in the lower primary! i think XD

hahah kim and nat's "Rocks and Stones" is becoming annoying -_- i cant believe theyre buddies man! the two siao siao people over their rocks and stones -_-|| wah lao! walk to Caltex ah, the whole way is all about their rocks and stones -_-|| ANYWAY! walking back was fun :D we randomly sang Green Day songs. HAHAHAH so fun! XD Xinyuan and Chloe were like "UHHHH" HAHAHAHAHHA

anyway! today, we had geog. the lesson before the test. :/ i want my A1 even though i dont plan on taking geog. so many people didnt bring their map work things, so we has 2 choices. stay in class and get painted on your face by teo(he was serious -_-||) or stand outside class with different poses. -_-|| so, i went out. hahah then i got saved. he asked "Who knows how to do grid bearing?" then i remembered. OMG! I JUST REMEMBERED! MY MAPWORK IS WITH YANNY!!!!!!!! YANNYYYY! I WAS SO KIND AS TO LEND YOU! THEN NOW YOU DIDNT RETURN TO ME ): how am i gonna study man!!! now i feel like kill you yanny! RAWRRRRRR! ok then i went back to class. !@#$%^&*()_+ im screwed for monday laaa! ):


oh for english today, Mrs De went through the newspaper thing. now Nat Ang calls me "Newspaper Leader" -_-|| it sounds so weird la! anyway! i dont even know why they made me leader man. im not responsible. i neglect my work. i cant be bothered to do alot of things. most of all, im too lazy to actually plan so many days for the meetings! being the leader means all the responsiblity is on me -_-|| and this takes up 40% of CA2! AHHHHH! ok im gonna be serious about this project(: I HOPE WE DONT HAVE TO WRITE ANYMORE REFLECTIONS! wrote so many stupid reflections for OM and other projects la! :D

anyway, im gonna train up. more pushups, more jogging, more lifting weights, more everything la! i cant wait for the June hols!(: Qi and i are gonna work out together! WOOOOO! i wonder which gym we'll go to since we both stay so far away from each other :/

OMG KIM IS OBSESSING ON MSN! im dying -_- she keeps praising her rocks and stones la! you know, both nat and kim came up with a story about rocks and stones la! -_-|| oh gosh! she obsessing is very funny actually XD but after awhile, it gets annoying -_- i'd rather talk about other things(: kim is random and cute :D and wayyyyyy too obsessed.

lalalalala~ im gonna sleep early tonight. have frigging tuition tomorrow la! 10am! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! i dont wanna wake up): i want 12hours of sleep. i love sleep. hahahah XD

OHHHH! today when we came back from Caltex, we sat on the blue swingggg! so fun! :D xinyuan kept making some weird noise, and soon, we all joined in! HAHAH XD i got giddy on the swing la! hahahah and the swing got lifted up so many times! SO SCARY! like we're gonna fall like that! :/ hahahhaha but still fun :D i havent sat on the BROWN SWING yet! :O this sucks. i wanna play! :D

oh man! i cant stand going to school anymore la. wake up so early. falling asleep during lessons, etc etc. plus some of the lessons are so boring, you will just fall asleep straight away. :/

OHHHH! i like Lit lessons now :D MS CHOW IS SUPER FUN! :D lalalala~ shes funny toooooo(: and shes nice! AHHHHHHH! i love her lessons! so fun! BUT! i still miss Ms Pang! ): i miss all the 1PR'06 teachers so badly. i miss Ms Goh, Mrs Chia, Mrs Canham, Ms Pang, Ms Tan and Mr Jeow! oh man): all the fun teachers! I MISS MRS CANHAM THE MOST! shes the coolest art teacher you can ever have man!

WHOAAAAA I SHALL STOP HERE(: such a longgg post! XD

[edit] we played captain's ball towards the end of PT today! played according to coy levels(: and Charlie coy beat Delta coy. haha. it was fun(: i played against my BUDDEHH! :D balalalala XD[/edit]

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