Saturday, March 24, 2007

hahaha in the end it took us 21 minutes to reach Woodlands MRT. HAHAH XD

went to Causeway Point today! we walked for 1hour 30mins. and did work for more than two hours. WHOAAAAAAAA! so hard working :] ok i shall start from the top

11+ joanna suddenly smsed me and asked if i wanted to go to Compass Point with her to go window shopping. but qi and i already planned on going to the libary to study! so we asked her along. and she didnt mind the distance, which we thought she would :D anyway! my mom and i picked jo up at 1.11 :D then my mom fetched us to Junction 8. mmhm! took a train to Woodlands, which Causeway point was next to. mmm.. when jo and i reached, i called qi. GUESS WHAT! hahah she was still at home -_-|| so we went to walk around. bought ice blended Blue Coral from Sweettalk!(: hmm then we waited for qi there. SO FUNNY! she was there. standing. then we were there, standing too. then we just waited for her to turn to our direction! SO FUNNY! x) then she finally turned! XD ate at MosBurger. ate for about 45mins. SO FUNNY! we kept laughing and talking. and saw this really cuteeeee baby! :D and created a black list of LALALAs(: hmm after that, it was 3. so i was like "ok we can walk about till 3.30 and then start heading for the libary" ok we so did walk around. but we walked for till 4.30! HAHAHAH like ONE HOUR later la! XD jo and i bought nail polish! :D hmmm... thats the only thing we bought today la! ahhah i bought nail polish green and pink, nail buffer! :D and nail polish remover. jo was thinking "it would be so cool if we could buff our boots" HAHAHAHAHHA we studied geog for like this super duper long time in the libary. then there was this frigging group of people at one coner. keep talking so loudly and started to play music. like wtf. piss me off. so i went "SHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" HAHAHAH! so sickening leh! they didnt shut up. anyway, before we left, we complained to the libarian! HAHA! then we faster left that level(: went to level three. found two books for my hist project! (: yay! we left at 7+ then i went out for dinner with my parents. the end!

lalalalalala~ now i like buffing my nails! :D so fun! XD

ok now on serious matters. IM NOT DONE WITH MY CAMP REPORTS. shit im dead.

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